Working from home? How?

Working from home? How?

It’s been over three months of battling through unprecedented times and we have now settled into a routine that stems from the need of the hour. Even though we have conceded and tried to take things with our stride, it is also important to focus on elevating your mental health and working towards achieving goals, to foster a more positive environment

Break Away from the Screen

Constantly staring at your screen can do more damage than good. It is proven that mind positivity is adversely affected by the blue light from your laptops, mobile phones, and even your TVs. With everything online, we know it’s harder to switch off – but there are various apps out there to help you time your work sessions and help you take adequate breaks to recharge in between

Put your best self forward

With the entire world in lockdown mode, and everyone at home, days can often tend to go by and easily become mundane and monotonous. Make sure that you dress for work, even if you are working from home, undertake your daily grooming, the way you would have otherwise.

Dabbing on a little makeup and dressing for the occasion will give you a boost. Wearing some bling, especially if it is one of our carefully curated charm sets, will put a spring in your step and keep you looking glam – even for that surprise Zoom call.

Psst: if you want to add a little more oomph on Zoom, we have a special background that you can use. Just click here.

Take Care of Your Mind Body & Soul

Meditation is key towards building inner peace - spending some time visualizing a better future will help you to positively reinforce yourself and keep the positive energy flowing. Manifesting your visions and goals, and perhaps even keeping a gratitude journal will help you to see all that you have in your life at this present moment, and leave you feeling grateful and content.

Mental wellbeing is as important as the physical, as the latter also helps improve your immunity. Getting enough exercise, keeping hydrated, and eating healthy is the need of the hour. Set aside 30-40 minutes every day to do Yoga or functional training exercises using your own body weight. If you don’t have access to free weights or a yoga mat, you can skip or climb the stairs and do multiple sets of walking up and down.

Mini Self-Care Sessions

Give yourself something special to look forward to – something that makes you feel special on the weekend. It could be a family movie night with popcorn, enjoying a treat, or taking a long, luxurious bath – anything that feels decadent.
Make sure you pamper yourself. Beauty rituals, self-massages with therapeutic oils.

Do that clay mask, color your hair, paint your nails, trim your beard – whatever makes you feel loved and cared for.

Retail therapy works well too! If you are a shopaholic, you will love our little fashion-inspired charms; love bling? We have some encrusted in authentic Swarovski Crystals. Trust us when we say, “We have something to ‘Charm’ every facet of who you are.”

Finally, the most important focus point when working from home – No matter how the day goes by, ensures that you make that extra effort to stay connected, with friends and family. Remember, we are all in this together!

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